
Showing posts from January, 2022

January 24 -28 Last Week of the Semester

During this last week of the semester we are working to complete projects and even take on some new small projects.  This first semester has been a wonderful experience teaching at Tom Baines School and I will miss seeing all of my students in my class, but I will see in the halls.    The mark cut off for this reporting period has passed, only assignments that were handed in prior to last Friday will be marked and entered into power school. Grade 6 students in my class this term will receive a mark and comment on the next reporting period. Thanks for the great Semester!

January 17 - 22

 Grade 6  There are only 2 weeks left of construction.  Most students have completed their plans for their wood project and are working to gather materials and layout their cuts. All students should have completed the handsaw and abrasive tools certification before starting their project.  Next we will be working on completing their projects until the end of the term. Grade 7-9 This semester is coming to a close on Jan. 28, all students are asked to make sure all assignments are due this week.  SketchUp assignments on google classroom can be completed at home with any desktop or laptop.  The video was created with PC's in mind so MAC users need to experiment with control, option and command keys when following the videos.  Pro tip: right click on a PC is control+click on MAC default settings. If you are isolating or quarantining and you are well enough to work, please take the time to complete the SketchUp assignment on Google classroom. 

January 10 - 14

Happy New Year, This week we are getting used to some new rules and protocols while reinforcing old protocols.  We thank you all for discussing with your children the importance of complying with all COVID-19 protocols. Grade 7-9 This week we are planning to wrap of the semester with a final project. Due to the extended break students will have 1 or 2 less classes remaining in the semester. All assigned work that can be done at home is google classroom. Attention: All Grade 7 - 9 Construction Students - All assignments are due next week January 21, 2022.  No assignments will be accepted past this date.  I recommend you view powerschool and ensure all assignments are completed. Grade 6  Due to the extended break we have 5 less classes in our term.  All work that can be done at home is on google classroom.

January 4 - 7

Hello Construction and Technology classes, As I'm certain you all know by now, we are set to start back at school on January 10.  It is my hope that we will be able to return to in person class, but we currently don't know what scenario we will be returning.  Please stay tuned to this blog and and your google classroom for more information. Take Care  Mr. Hartling